Golf And gospel

Showcasing Golf, Entertainment and The Gospel

The team

A dedicated group of professionals passionate about golf and spreading the gospel through sportsmanship and engaging stories.

Geremy Davis

Former NFL player, channels his competitive spirit into golf while using the platform to share the gospel. His transition from professional football to the greens allows him to inspire others through both his athleticism and his faith.

Torrence Wade

Music producer known for his competitive edge, has brought that same drive to the golf course where he enjoys asking thought-provoking questions and sharing the gospel. His unique approach blends his passion for music, faith, and golf

Noah Brediger

Leveraging his talent in videography to capture stunning golf shots and engaging commentary, seamlessly blending the gospel, golf, and entertainment.

Our Story

Three guys hoping to impact lives through golf and gospel.


Our goal is to transform lives through the game of golf by intertwining competitive spirit with the nurturing words of the gospel, creating a community of faith and fun.

our approach

At Golf and Gospel, we merge professional golf play with entertainment and engaging gospel narratives to create a unique and uplifting experience for all our participants and viewers.

what we do

Golf and Gospel is more than just a golf brand; itโ€™s a platform for entertainment, spiritual enrichment, and community building through the universal language of sports and faith.

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